Super Herbal Foods - Dietary Fibre Complex, 100 vege capsules
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100% All Natural
Dietary Fibre Complex
£ 12.99
Credit Cards Accepted
Dietary Fibre Complex
100 vege capsules
Psyllium husk and seeds 500mg
Flaxseed powder 70mg
Sugar beet fibre 60mg
Fenugreek powder 40mg
Apple pectin powder 20mg
Fennel seed powder 5mg
Rhubarb extract 30:1 (equivalent to 450mg fresh rhubarb powder)
Prune juice extract 5:1
(Equivalent to 50mg fresh prune juice powder)
Broccoli extract 15:1 (0.5% sulphurophane) (equivalent to 75mg fresh broccoli powder)
Carrot powder 5mg
Fig fruit extract 4:1 (equivalent to 20mg fresh fig powder)
Approved by the Vegan Society
Ingredients: Psyllium Husk Powder, Capsule: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) (Vegetarian), Flaxseed Powder, Sugar Beet Fibre Powder, Fenugreek Powder, Apple Pectin Powder, Rhubarb ext 30:1, Prune Juice Fruit ext 5:1, Broccoli ext 15:1, Carrot Powder, Fig Fruit ext 4:1, Fennel Seed Powder

USAGE GUIDELINES: Take 1 or 2 capsules, 1 to 3 times per day or adjust intake as required. Always take with a minimum of 250ml of water. Ideally take before an evening meal or split total intake over 2 meals. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. Consult your doctor before taking any supplement or changing your diet.

This high fibre nutritional formula is derived from psyllium husk, flaxseed, sugar beet fibre, fenugreek, apple pectin, rhubarb root, fennel seed, prune juice fruit extract, broccoli, carrot and fig. This tailored combination will provide the user with 513mg per capsule of dietary fibre, which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system, bowel regularity and digestive transit and is a key ingredient to a healthy, varied and balanced diet.

Dietary Fibre Complex is beneficial for

beneficial A healthy digestive system
beneficial Increasing the weight, bulk and softness of stool
beneficial Bowel regularity
beneficial Constipation
beneficial Cholesterol levels
beneficial Digestive transit
beneficial Increasing nutrient levels
beneficial Slowing the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream
beneficial Binding with toxins in the gut
beneficial Reducing inflammation

Psyllium husk and seeds: Psyllium is naturally rich in dietary fibre, providing the extra fibre that so many people need in order to maintain regular and healthy bowels. Psyllium husk is a water absorbing / retention fibre, which gives bulk to stools by absorbing water - as much as 20 times its own weight! This gives the bowel wall something to work on and lets it push matter through smoothly and quickly via peristalsis. Fibre also stimulates natural bacteria in the bowel. When water is added to psyllium husks, a soft gel is formed, which helps the unwanted matter in the colon (constipation) to move through smoothly, with no straining or discomfort, know as colon cleansing.

Flaxseed powder: Flaxseed is one of the best sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, a type of “good” fat that is generally missing from the Western diet. These acids can help to lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure, reduce elevated triglyceride levels and help to prevent blood clots. They can also lower elevated blood levels of the protein homocysteine, believed to be a major risk factor for heart disease. Flaxseed is also a rich source of lignans, a type of fibre that is changed by “friendly bacteria” in the gut into compounds that help to fight against cancer. Lignans also modulate hormone levels and relieve some of the symptoms often associated with menopause. Flaxseed contains a natural antioxidant, which is thought to help muscles recover more quickly and has an anti-inflammatory effect that can help to reduce muscle soreness.

Sugar beet fibre: Sugar beet fibre has been included in this formula because it has been scientifically proven to contribute to an increase in faecal bulk in two ways: the insoluble components of the fibre increase faecal bulk by absorbing water in the large intestine, while the soluble components are fermented by bacteria in the large intestine leading to an increase in bacterial mass. As such, this source of fibre may have a beneficial physiological effect for people who want to improve or maintain a normal bowel function.

Fenugreek powder: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum ) is a bitter, medicinal herb that is loaded with antioxidants and has laxative, anti-parasitic and anti-tumour effects. It also increases milk flow, stimulates the uterus, soothes irritated tissues, lowers fever, reduces blood sugar, improves digestion and promotes healing. It stimulates the immune system and aids in removal of toxins from the body through lymph nodes. The seeds (Methi), in particular, are rich in lipids, protein, protease inhibitors, alkaloids, mucilaginous fiber, phosphorus, iron, calcium, niacin, vitamin C, selenium and various other nutrients. They have stimulant, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, expectorant, laxative, hepatoprotective and diaphoretic properties. Plus, it is believed that the seeds reduce fatty tissues, thereby aiding in natural weight loss.

Apple pectin: Apples are a rich source of pectin, a naturally occurring carbohydrate. Pectin is particularly good at helping to ower blood cholesterol levels. The liver pumps excess cholesterol into the bile, which then enters the intestines. If ectin is present in the intestines, it will bind with the cholesterol and take it out of the body. Pectin also changes into alacturonic acid, which can combine with heavy metals (such as lead and mercury) and certain radio active aterials in the gut and take them out of the body. For people who are prone to constipation, pectin can provide a entle form of fibre, which acts as a bulk laxative and mops up toxins that enter the intestines.

Fennel seed powder: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant species in the genus Foeniculuma, which is a highly aromatic and flavourful herb with both culinary and medicinal uses. It contains anethole (a type of aromatic compound that occurs widely in natural essential oils), which can explain some of its medical effects. It also has carminative properties; in other words it prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract or facilitates the expulsion of that gas, thereby combating flatulence. It can also relax the intestines and reduce bloating caused by digestive disorders. There is also evidence to suggest that fennel may be an effective diuretic and a potential treatment of hypertension.

Rhubarb root: Rhubarb is widely used as part of colon cleansing programmes, because it contains the following active ingredients: anthraquinones, emodin, tannins, flavonoids (including rutin) and several polyphenols. Rhubarb is a strong herbal laxative, astringent-bitter, gastric stimulant, anti-inflammatory, stomach tonic and antiseptic. It is also used for disorders of the liver, gallbladder and stomach.

Prune juice extract: Prunes and their juice contain mild laxatives, including phenolic compounds and a number of different sugars like sucrose, fructose and sorbitol that help in drawing fluid into the intestines, thus helping the passage
of waste out of the body. Research has shown that prune juice greatly helps in increasing the volume of fluid that remains in the waste passing through the intestine, while also causing contractions that aid bowel movement. Sorbitol, in particular, metabolises slowly to support healthy digestive process. Prunes also contain high levels of antioxidants and dietary fibre (about 6% or 0.06 g per gram of prune) and are therefore well-known for their contribution to the maintenance of a healthy bowel and alleviating constipation.

Broccoli powder: Broccoli is a rich source of carbohydrates, including dietary fibre. It therefore acts to supports the digestive system, bowel regularity and stable blood sugar levels. It contains other vital nutrients like vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, magnesium, calcium and multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties, such as diindolylmethane - a potent modulator of the innate immune response system with anti-viral, anti- bacterial and anti-cancer activity. As a cruciferous vegetable, broccoli is also high in natural organic sulphur, which is needed by the liver to carry out its detoxification processes. Sulphur-containing amino acids (such as taurine and cysteine) are necessary for the production of bile. It is important not to have sluggish bile flow, because this is a major exit route for toxins that the liver has broken down.

Carrot powder: The carrot gets its characteristic and bright orange colour from ß-carotene, which is metabolised into vitamin in humans when bile salts are present in the intestines. Carrots are also rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, minerals, essential enzymes and vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, biotin, potassium and thiamine. Carrots also contain lignin (which helps to strengthen the immune system) and folic cid (which helps to fight against harmful free radicals).

Fig fruit extract: Figs are one of the highest plant sources of calcium, fibre, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin K. They also have smaller amounts of many other nutrients. Figs have a laxative effect and contain many antioxidants. They are a good source of flavonoids and polyphenols, including gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, syringic acid, (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin and rutin. Both fresh and dried figs contain pectin. They are also a good source of the indigestible food fibre lignin, which
retains water and helps bulk up the stool. Figs also contain ficin, a protein-breaking enzyme similar to papain in papayas and bromelin in fresh pineapple. Together, lignin and ficin make figs a highly efficient laxative food.

Additional Information

beneficial NO ADDED: artificial colours, flavourings, preservatives, dairy products, gluten, lactose, soya, sugar, wheat, yeast
beneficial Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans


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